This Charming Man: Day Four
Today began with a raging hangover compounded with an utter lack of sleep. The train ride to work was fun: I got to stand face to face with this huge fat guy with raging beard dandruff. I'm not even kidding about that. The guy was Orthodox Jew, so he had this wild beard. And god was it flaky. I mean, there was this huge chunk of dandruff stuck about 7 inches below his lower lip that may or mayn't have been animate. You don't even want to know how the rest of my day went. You don't even want to know.
I had to look up where you live.
Dude, I don't live anywhere. That was part of the day's grand fun. I'll be living in a van down by the river soon. Sweet.
I rode that train. I saw those people. Even on Fridays.
Again. OY!
So, what was the charming part? The fact that you didn't projectile vomit into his beard, leaving even more chunky objects behind?
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