Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Monday, July 30, 2007

I am a fat guy in a little suit.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Condiment Confusion

So. I've got this damn Amy Winehouse song stuck in my head. I can't get it out!

Worse, I bought a sandwich at a deli and brought it back with me to work to feed on. Trouble: I discovered that my sammie had mayo instead of mustard, as I had clearly asked for. Fuck! This keeps happening at the delis around here. Can't Asians understand the damn difference between mustard and mayo? They don't sound the same at all! Mustard. Mayo. Not the same, not the same! Sticking me with mayo instead of mustard is tantamount to a hate crime, I believe. It's certainly actionable. Balls! Part of the Green Card/Citizenship process should be the essential acquisition of the "skill" to distinguish mayo from mustard. (Also, it should be impressed on newbies that it's KETCHUP, not CATSUP, as was used on a sign in the deli that I bought this bastard sammie. Ketchup, not catsup. I can't stress that enough.) So I had to scrape off the mayo and scavenge the office kitchen for a glob of Gulden's. Luckily, I found some. Man, this day is fucking ruined, though.

And now I have to go to Brooklyn to move my damn truckster. Rat farts!

Final Note: Tomorrow is the Puerto Rican Day parade here in NYC. Inevitably, I will get caught in the chaos -- it always happens. If you get a "Lousiana is the Pelican State" text message from me, please send help!

Monday, June 04, 2007

Yes, We Offer Benefits

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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Cripple Fight!

Okay, not really. No cripple fights. But I would be curious to know if a llama could beat a kangaroo in a square-go. I'd root for the llama, I think. Doesn't Fox run some sort of reality series of animal fights? Fox boss Murdoch is Aussie. He could get a 'roo. It might be tougher to get a llama into the ring. But they should try. The winner gets to fight Lindsey Lohan. Cage match.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


This is something. I mean, this is fat and phat. Check out the commercials in the Fatty Media section -- choice.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Spock digs naked fat chicks the most, baby!

An awesome headline, from today's New York Times: Girth and Nudity: a Mission for Nimoy. Awesome! But weird. That's one weird Vulcan. Let me tell you, though, that after having driven across a good part of these United States with ol' Spock (detailed in Angry John Sellers' new book Perfect From Now On, which is reason enough to buy the damn thing. It's like only twenty bucks or something; just buy it, goon.), I'm pretty sure the stoic alien doesn't have a flabby fetish. That's not logical. Or is it so logical that it's blown my mind? More to love, more to love.... Anyhoo, here's the article on ol' Spockie boy. Is Spock a flesh hound? You be the judge....

Point of Contention: People who aren't interested in llama trivia are morons.