Monday, February 26, 2007

Titty Tetanus

So. I just paid an eighter for a sixer of Bud. Eight bucks for six tins of Bud. That's Bud, right, the stuff that PROMOTES its use of RICE as an ingredient ("best barley, rice, and choicest hops;" check the can muthafucka; and how weird is it that it's best barley, and some fucking choice hops, but just regular honkey ass rice--wha? I need answers, people). You may be interested to know that I recently paid only $4.78 for the same dose of ricey braw at a Wal-Mart in Columbia, SC. That's fookin cheapers. But. I had to have this gear, if only cuz I may or mayn't be suffering from tetanus. No guff, man, this might be my last suppers. I caught my hand on a rusty nail--I sort of feel lockjaw coming on sharpish. No, I'm not foaming at the mouth or anything, but I don't feel thrilled to bits. Prolly cuz I paid eight bucks for a sixer of Bud, though, if ya really want to know about it. Stupid. I really need to kick my own ass. Anyhoo.

Here are three things I really care about

Detroit sports (including U of M), except the Pistons
Jesus & Mary Chain
Burritos (gotta be sans gwauk, dude)

And here are three things that make me want to barf

Guys who wear sandals
Yoga/Sting (pk'em)


Anonymous said...

Buck up for the Brooklyn Ale, Holmes. More bang for the buck in the long run. Book it.

Angry John Sellers said...

Bud makes your innards cry. I think you were paying the "idiot tax."

I think you should do a top 100 of things that make you barf.

Matt Larson said...

Neg, neg, Easteregg, re: Booklyn Ale -- too malty. Plus, that would cost like $18/sixer. You have my RSVP on that score.

Bud makes my innards goodge up. I have no response to your "idiot tax" comment. I may, however, see your challenge and raise you 50: I will probably do a list of the top 150 things that make me want to barf. That should take like 6 minutes or something. I'm not sure how I can parlay this into anything worth anything, but stay tuned.