Mind Riot
So. What would be worse? Having a midget, dwarf, or whatever the hell Verne Troyer is hump your leg? Or receiving a surprise package in the mail containing human feces? I can't decide. Unfortunately, this is the kind of stuff I think about in the morning before I've had any coffee. God, I need a cup of the bean ASAP. I think I'd rather get the stool box. Can you imagine how bad it would be, though, if you were expecting some sweet new pair of shoes or a DVD or something, but instead you got a box of shit? God! That would be horrible. But the idea of a little guy humping your leg is just unbearable. Once they get started on their business, I'm told, you just gotta let 'em go till they finish. Or else.
I think I am just tall enough that I could crap on a dwarf's head. I hope they finish what they start.....sometimes I get the shy shitter.
Of course they finish what they start. Would you then ship the little guy and his shit hat to some unsuspecting bastard? That could get you executed in some countries. And just as a general note: yuck.
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