Will Clown for Food
An actual Craigslist posting. The listing was placed in the "local news & views," section, which somehow seems grossly inappropriate.
clowning for parties/grandopening
Reply to: comm-262061712@craigslist.org
Date: 2007-01-13, 1:11PM EST
HI,I am JennyBear the clown.I will clown for your party or grandopening by telling stories and playing games.I will facepaint for an extra fee.If its a birthday-I will bring a gift for birthday person or animal.I am fun loving and out going clown.
I really have no response to that. Except, who doesn't hate a "fun loving and out going clown" who charges extra to "facepaint"? And who wants a fucking clown that tells stories? That's just stupid. Hey, great idea! Let's celebrate the opening of our new store by having some damn clown come tell stories and play games! God, that would not be good for business. That would not be good for anybody, really.
In other news, I just discovered that I had enabled this blog's "comments moderation" function, apparently when I launched Blootered. This means that comments aren't displayed unless they are approved--who the fuck knew? I didn't, and I certainly wasn't surprised at the ostensible lack of commenting on my jibba-jabba. But now that I've found and disabled this "firewall," I'm regretting it. It was better living in complete ignorance; to understand what I mean, check out the previous post. I may have to reactivate that screener sharpish.
I gave up a long time ago. And, I'm not talking about leaving comments. Book it.
Sounds like you need a visit from JennyBear. She will clown for you. And she's "fun loving."
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