Sunday, May 13, 2007

Spock digs naked fat chicks the most, baby!

An awesome headline, from today's New York Times: Girth and Nudity: a Mission for Nimoy. Awesome! But weird. That's one weird Vulcan. Let me tell you, though, that after having driven across a good part of these United States with ol' Spock (detailed in Angry John Sellers' new book Perfect From Now On, which is reason enough to buy the damn thing. It's like only twenty bucks or something; just buy it, goon.), I'm pretty sure the stoic alien doesn't have a flabby fetish. That's not logical. Or is it so logical that it's blown my mind? More to love, more to love.... Anyhoo, here's the article on ol' Spockie boy. Is Spock a flesh hound? You be the judge....

Point of Contention: People who aren't interested in llama trivia are morons.


Anonymous said...

Spock chases fatties.

Proof - I once woke up in bed with him. Coincidentally, also detailed in PFNO.

Matt Larson said...

Yeah, dude. We didn't want to say anything, but Spock mauled you that night (not detailed in PFNO, thankfully.) You also got felt up by a rubber chicken and a Pillsbury Doughboy doll. We have proof!

Hey, is Spock still living with you? I may have to come rescue him, if so....

Anonymous said...


Spock survived another move. It was pretty close this time

You need to get here pronto, else he's in the bin.

Matt Larson said...

If they don't tow my truckster tomorrow, I'm en route to save the freak Vulcan. I think the Doughboy was left in yer toilet, so you can keep that...

guy f smiley said...

you know, i ended up going to the john sellers website, and he and i are from the same area (dayton, oh) and he seems to love gbv. when i was a kid, i had a friend who made and sold 'i'm drunker than bob pollard' shirts. a weird series of link clicks reminded me of that, and it was a memory i enjoyed remembering. haha. thanks.